Welcome to the new parent "home page." This section of the website is designed for all of our parents. Regardless of whether you are brand new to the world of soccer and AYSO or you are sending your 8th child (perhaps even grandchild) through our program, we hope you find this section of our new website to be a valuable resource.
You will immediately notice that we have grouped information down from the header title called "Parents". This was done based upon feedback we have received from all of you. We do not believe, however, that we necessarily got it completely right the first time. As you use the site, we welcome your feedback on what you like and what changes you would like to see. Email us anytime you have a good idea.
Due to the substantial time demands that are placed on our volunteers at various times throughout the year, it is our policy to use email as our primary means of communication. With over 200 registered players, this is the most realistic manner to communicate with our members. It is the responsibility of the member to ensure that Email listed on our Board Member web page, is set up as an authorized sender in your email program. You will receive the fastest reply to your inquiries if you send them by Email to anyone listed on the Board Members page of our website.
The first step in getting your child involved with AYSO team is getting them registered. This is handled via our on-line Sports Connect website system. You can access this system by clicking the Sports Connect registration link at the top right of the page and/or creating a username/password in our system in the upper right corner. You can access detailed information from the Registration page.
The Registration System is also used to store your profile and to obtain various forms (e.g. medical release form). You can log back into the system at any time to update your profile or print a form
Uniforms and Equipment

Each player must be dressed as follows for official games:
- Each player will be issued shorts, two jerseys, and socks by AYSO. Lost uniforms cannot be replaced. Shin guards and soccer shoes (rubber cleats with no toe cleat) needs to be bought by the parent.
- No player will be allowed on the field with hard casts, splints or any other object which the referee may deem as potentially harmful to any other player including but not limited to earrings, necklaces, rings, watches, barrettes or other jewelry.
- The AYSO uniform may not bear the player name or team name by any application of lettering, silk screening, etc.
Birth Certificates
If you did not play in our region the previous year you may be asked to provide your coach with a copy of your son's or daughter's birth certificate or passport at time of registration. It can be uploaded as pdf or image. We reserve the right to ask for the original.
Generally speaking, older players have later practice times than do younger players. Practice times are allocated by Division Coordinators to their coaches. Usually, more than one team will be practicing on a field at the same time, so coaches and parents are expected to cooperate in sharing the field.
Rain Policy
The park district fields are protective of its field conditions. This may require the closure of those fields due to weather. We strongly recommend that the team coach or manager contact players/parents whenever practice or games are called off. Please note, even if the city has not closed the field, the ultimate decision as to whether the game is played rests with the Referee, who is responsible for player safety.
AYSO Pet Policy
Mill Creek Park, Alleghany Park, Doolittle Park, along with AYSO has a NO Pets Policy at all AYSO events held in the Region. We ask all parents, guests, and spectators to please leave your pets at home when you attend any AYSO event including practices, games, picture day, opening ceremonies, tournaments, etc.
This Policy is enforced at the National level, is endorsed at the Section level, is endorsed at the Area level, is consistent with neighboring Regions and is in keeping with our Insurance Policy which does not cover animal bites or related injuries. Service animals are generally exempt from this Policy.
We appreciate your cooperation.
And Finally
What makes winning kids is being built up, not brought down! We train and encourage our coaches to make the extra effort to understand and offer positive help to our players, rather than negative criticism.